Thursday, September 22, 2011

PTO House Open House

PTO Open House is scheduled for Thursday, October 6, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. in the lunchroom. Parents are invited to visit their child's classroom.

We would like to encourage all Salter parents, grandparents and other adults to join our PTO. The cost to join is $3.00 for an individual or $5.00 per family. This is a great way to become involved in your child's education, as well as an opportunity to hear about the things that our school is involved in.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Grandparent's Day September 9, 2011

Thank you to all the grandparents who participated in your special day today at C.L.Salter. You each brought big smiles to young, sweet faces as they proudly sat with you at lunch today.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Report Cards

SEPTEMBER 29, 2011 - First six weeks report card comes home.

Fall Pictures

It's that time again! Time to have those yearly school pictures made.
-September 27, 2011
-Fall pictures
-Class group pictures

Students, come with you best SMILE!

Boy Scout Roundup September 13, 2011

Please meet at 6:00 in the C.L. Salter lunchroom for this meeting. This meeting is for grades second-sixth.

Grandparent's Day September 9, 2011

Grandparents are so important in the lives of all children. At .C.L. Salter we would like to cordially invite all grandparents to visit their grandchild's school and to set aside this important day to have lunch with your grandchild. It is such a joy to see all the smiling faces of the students as we depart the lunchroom when they have enjoyed that special time with their grandparents.

A form will be sent home with the students for you to fill out and let us know you are coming. Looking forward to seeing you all!

Attendance at School

Beginning Tuesday, September 6, 2011 it is very important for every student that attends Salter School to be present. Beginning that day and for nineteen days to follow we need to have all students present if at all possible. This will help us with next year's teaching units which will allow our students to possibly have smaller classes for the following school year.

Parents you can help in this small way to improve your child's education by making sure they rest properly, eat a good breakfast and arrive at school on time. If they see school is important to you it will be important to them.

Labor Day Holiday

Monday, September 5, 2011 NO SCHOOL!This would be a good time for parents to spend a little extra time reading and practicing math skills while enjoying a long and relaxing holiday weekend with their child.