Salter's "Build -A- Book" family night brought families together to create their very own book. We purchased "Klutz Build - a -Book" kits with Title I parent involvement funds. This was our first time to promote this event and didn't know what to expect. We could not believe how many families showed up! The entire cafeteria was filled with parents and students. Build - A - Book night provided the perfect setting for family time at our school. The teachers and families had lots of fun! Thanks to Mrs. Griffin and Mr. Campbell for hosting this event for students and parents.
Thank you to Mr. Tommy Moorehead for the beautiful painting that has been added to the Salter lunchroom. This project is being funded by a grant from the Heritage Hall Education Foundation. Be on the lookout! There is more to come with the Tuscan theme that has been chosen to make the lunchroom a more inviting place.
A parent involvement night at Salter will be held on February 17, 2009 at 5:00. "Build -a-Book Night" will be an opportunity for parents and students to work on a project together that can result in lasting memories for the family. This night is an extension of the Book Fair that was held in October. All the materials needed for the project will be provided for the students. As an added bonus, Mrs. Smith will provide refreshments and door prizes. All parents are encouraged to come out and enjoy this great night of fun!
GRATITUDE - Gratitude means being thankful for someone or something. People who feel gratitude and say "thank you" regularly are happier. Gratitude has a boomerang effect, because the good feelings that start when you say "thank you," always seem to come back and make you feel better too. Remember, you are the only one who chooses how you think, feel and respond to a situation. Every time you feel thankful and say "thank you," you are strengthening your gratitude attitude! And that helps fill our school and community with positive power!